FitSM Online Trainings and Self Assessment

Pragmatic and simple IT service management has been on the rise for years. More and more companies, managers, specialists and above all IT service providers are recognizing the advantages and useful applications of the FitSM framework.
Based on the German book “IT Service Management mit FitSM”, this learning portal offers online training courses with certification exams. The “FitSM Foundation” and “FitSM Advanced” courses are suitable for relaxed self-study. They use videos, supplementary documents and practice questions to teach the content of lightweighted pragmatic IT service management. They are based on the official syllabus and on the latest version FitSM 3.0. Alternatively, As an alternative, IT organizations can also book online training courses for up to 12 participants in a group setting.
In addition to traditional training and self-study courses, FitSM can also be used for an internal ITSM assessment. It is also possible to learn FitSM by playing the CarGo simulation.
FitSM Foundation Self-study course
Objective: Introduction to pragmatic IT service management as a self-study course with individual learning speed
Content: 12 modules based on the book “IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT with FitSM Version 3 – A practical and lightweight framework for IT”, the official syllabus and the official training materials.
Exam: Optionally bookable, conducted by APMG International.
Available from May 2025
FitSM Foundation One-day training
Objective: Introduction to pragmatic IT service management as a one-day training offer for companies
Content: Course for up to 12 participants based on the book “IT SERVICE MANAGEMENT with FitSM Version 3 – A practical and lightweight framework for IT”, the official syllabus and the official training materials.
Exam: Optionally bookable, conducted by APMG International.
More information and booking
FitSM Advanced Self-study course
Objective: Building on the basic course, this course imparts advanced knowledge (role concept, process descriptions, etc.).
Content: 9 modules based on the German book “IT Service Management mit FitSM”, the official syllabus and the official training documents.
Exam: Optionally bookable, conducted by APMG International.
Available from June 2025
FitSM Advanced Three-day training
Objective: Building on the basic course, this course imparts advanced knowledge (role concept, process descriptions, etc.).
Content: 9 modules based on the German book “IT Service Management mit FitSM”, the official syllabus and the official training documents.
Exam: Optionally bookable, conducted by APMG International.
Available from June 2025
FitSM Simulation CarGO
Objective: Playful introduction to pragmatic IT service management
Content: FitSM simulation CarGO
Exam: Intentionally not possible
More information and booking
CarGO extended
Objective: Playful introduction to pragmatic IT service management.
Content: FitSM simulation CarGO including FitSM Foundation
Exam: Optionally bookable, conducted by APMG International.
More information and booking
Self-assessment for IT organizations
Based on the maturity model, IT organizations can use this online tool to assess their own status. Determine the current status of your IT organization based on the FitSM requirements and gain valuable insights into possible change measures.
Online assessment available from July 2024

Do you have questions about the online offers?
Have you found interesting offers on this portal? Do you have specific questions or are you unsure how these courses would suit you? I look forward to hearing from you with a free and non-binding appointment or some information to get in touch with me.